Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Ma pédagogie
Professeur de piano depuis 2014, j'ai développé une approche qui m'est propre, axée sur les points essentiels :
comprendre la structure d'un morceau, développer l'écoute de la mélodie et de l'harmonie.
Il est selon moi primordial de comprendre, avant d'aborder la théorie.
A la façon des cours que j'ai suivi étant petite, j'ai extrapolé vers une méthode personnalisée pour chaque élève,
en tenant compte de son âge, de son implication et de sa volonté.
Ce qui rend cette approche flexible, c'est qu'elle est unique pour chacun, qu'il ait besoin de partitions classiques ou d'applis sur son smartphone.
J'y vois l'intérêt de mélanger l'enseignement classique aux outils actuels pour nourrir l'envie chez les élèves et en particulier les plus jeunes.
L'expérience de ces dernières années fait ressortir un taux de satisfaction qui me permet de reconduire mes pianistes à chaque rentrée. Cette méthode crée une relation de proximité propice à la pratique d'un instrument.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Nos Objectifs
Vous rêvez de savoir jouer du piano?
D'interpréter votre morceau préféré?
Ou simplement de pouvoir lire une partition et apprendre le langage de la musique ?
Le Piano des Loges vous enseigne la technique, l'autonomie en lecture, le travail de votre oreille dans le but d'éveiller votre musicalité et enfin,
comment prendre du plaisir à jouer.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.