- Un week-end comprenant hébergement et restauration.
Nous accueillons jusqu'à 5 stagiaires, accompagnés de leurs conjoint.e.s
qui seront conviés aux repas et concerts.
3 fois par an au rythme des saisons
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
- Une journée comprenant les cours et le déjeuner.
Une soirée de concert peut être improvisée pour ceux qui le souhaitent.
Nous accueillons jusqu'à 10 stagiaires.
4 à 6 fois par an ou plus sur demande de groupe
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
- Une journée ou demi-journée de stage pour les enfants.
Activités ludiques et sensibilisation à la pratique du piano.
Nous accueillons jusqu'à 10 enfants, avec goûter et/ou déjeuner.
1 à 2 par vacances scolaires
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
- le perfectionnement technique (ex. la polyrythmie, l'art de l'ornement, la vélocité...)
- l'interprétation (ex. le phrasé, s'approprier l'oeuvre, l'expression des sentiments...)
- les types d'oeuvre et leurs formes musicales (ex. les Nocturnes, les Sonates, les Impromptus...)
- les compositeurs (nous passons le week-end avec Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, Debussy...).
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Les Stages Week End
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Vendredi, 17h : Installez-vous confortablement !
Etape 1
Prenez vos quartiers et faites connaissance avec les autres stagiaires autour de votre premier dîner.
Samedi matin : Premier cours collectif
Etape 2
En fonction du thème du stage, nous abordons ensemble la théorie et mettons ensuite en pratique.
Samedi après-midi : Cours individuels
Etape 3
Après le déjeuner, les ateliers individuels commencent. Chaque stagiaire est suivi à tour de rôle, pendant que les autres s'entraînent individuellement ou en équipe.
Samedi soir : Dîner de gala
Etape 4
Profitez d'un moment convivial autour d'un bon dîner, avec récital du professeur !
Dimanche matin : Reprise des cours
Etape 5
Matinée de cours, acte 2 et répétitions pour le concert de l'après-midi.
Dimanche, 16h :
Etape 6
Le moment tant attendu : les stagiaires donnent leur récital !
Partage des sensations autour d'un pot de départ.
Vivement le prochain stage !
Les Tarifs du week end
Week-end pour vous
- hébergement et restauration compris
et votre conjoint
- hébergement et restauration compris
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Les Stages à la journée
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
La journée des virtuoses
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
L'atelier des Petits
Pour un après-midi ou une journée complète, nous accueillons les enfants autour du piano.
Nous accompagnons les novices dans les premiers pas vers ce bel instrument, au moyen de jeux et d'exercices ludiques en groupe.
D'autres instruments sont proposés (percussions, musique électronique, micros, instruments à vent...) pour leur offrir un instant de découverte magique !
Pour nos plus jeunes qui pratiquent déjà, ils découvriront l'histoire d'une oeuvre et de son compositeur tout en perfectionnant leur jeu.
Enfin, cet atelier permet à nos petits virtuoses de partager la musique au sein d'un groupe.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Passionned with music since my young age
I started to learn the Piano when I was 5. Soon, I have been spotted and invited for a Masterclass at the Musical Spring of Provence, under the supervision of my professor of the National Conservatory of Paris, with whom I had lessons. At 11, I won the competition to get into the Conservatory of Caen (Normandy), in front of 50 other candidates.
Beside my studies at university, the Piano never left me, and I started to teach in 2014. Moreover, I write and I compose. Also, I am a singer and drummer in the band Cover Deluxe.
My husband, even if he was expatriated in Rennes, has always been deeply attached to his native Charente. Back to basis: it is part of our life projet. That's why I offer my services in this beautiful region I fell in love with 3 years ago.
Les Tarifs petits virtuoses
- Prix / par petit virtuose
- 50 € / pour la journée entière + 10 € déjeuner
- Goûter compris dans tous les cas !